Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy busy busy...

So we got a day of rest after a few hard long days and we are back at it, the people here are very nice and so they listen when we speak but there is still a language barrier so please pray for that. the food is different and i am losing weight but i will live, lol, anways i have 30 seconds left of internet so we love you and be in prayer for us. God Bless.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We made it!

So after 22 somewhat hours on a plane or in an airport we have arrived in Accra Ghana. The people here are nicer than anyone who will read this...maybe something to consider. anyways we all love you and will keep you posted on how we are and what all God is doing in Africa. PEACE!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

And we're off...

Jesus Christ was sent to save the world, and he did. The problem is that there are some that do not know this critical fact of life, and how can they know if they have not been told. Because of this we are called as his children to go across the street, across the county line, and across the ocean to tell the world the He lives. This summer myself (Matt Polk), Josh Garner, and Stuart Tilley will be traveling to Africa to the countries of Ghana and Togo. We will be taking the gospel to people who desperately need hope in a time of desperation. That being said i created this blog so that you all ( you amazing people who just happen to care about us guys ) can keep up with our journey, and so that we might be able to share some of our stories with you as we go. Now, i do not know how much internet access we will get in Africa but i do know there will be some. So i my update this every other day or i may once a week, just stay tuned and maybe one day something new will pop up. We would love for you to pray for our safe travel as we leave tomorrow afternoon, and when we arrive we'll let you know. We love you all and cannot wait to tell you the stories of what God is doing.  Stay tuned.